Fall 2022 Newsletter
Dear Phoenix Shambhala Community,
Have you visited the Phoenix Shambhala Center lately? We’re happy to announce that we are able to remain in our current space through the end of 2022. Hybrid Sunday Public Sitting continues every Sunday morning 9:30 to 11, with book study to follow (schedule permitting). Heart of Recovery continues to meet online Tuesday evenings at 7, and they will be resuming a hybrid format later this fall. We also have a brand new class to announce! Details below.
Please keep an eye on our website, social media, and this newsletter for further details about our future plans as we reach the end of the year. As meditators, we all know that the only thing that’s permanent is change!
Working with Change and Uncertainty:
A Meditation Approach
According to Buddhist and Shambhala teachings, “change is constant” and “chaos is good news!” However, in our experience, change and uncertainty bring up questions for us and sometimes big fears. This 5-week series of classes will explore how to establish our ground in order to relate to shifting reality, how to work with difficult emotions that arise, and how to relate to time, money, and chaos in a healthy way.
We are delighted to premiere this new class created by our local senior teacher, Kim Kelso. Visit our website to learn more and to register. The class will be a hybrid offering; register to receive a Zoom link for the online option.
Harvest of Peace
Harvest of Peace is a Nyida Day, a seasonal celebration in Shambhala. Join us to celebrate the Fall Equinox on Sunday, September 18. Anticipated events include morning sitting, a potluck, and practice of the Shambhala Sadhana, and we hope to be done in time to allow those who are interested to join the online Harvest of Peace gathering with the Touching the Earth Collective. For more details about the local gathering in Phoenix, visit our website.
Weekly Online and Hybrid Meetings
Sunday Public Sitting and Book Study – hybrid
Monday Night Book Study (bi-weekly) – online
Heart of Recovery (Sarpashana), Tuesdays – online
We’re happy to offer our regular weekly schedule of sittings via Zoom. Sunday sitting also has in-person meeting, following Covid safety guidelines including masks.
You can join the Zoom meetings using a computer or mobile app at the following links:
- Sunday Public Sitting 9:30 – 11:00 am, with Book Study to follow at 11:30 am
- Heart of Recovery (Sarpashana) Tuesdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm
You do not need a Zoom account in order to join. If you do not have the Zoom computer client or mobile app, you’ll be prompted to download it when you click the link, or you can download it here.
You can also join with a telephone call. Please visit our calendar and click the event you want to join for a list of phone numbers.
Meditation instruction: Meditation instruction is available in person at our Sunday sittings. If you would prefer meditation instruction via Zoom, please contact us with your available times so we can set you up with an instructor.
Monday Night Book Study: This group meets every other week at 7 pm. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact Chris Noble-Power at 602-696-9694 and she will provide you with the Zoom link.
Public sittings, Sarpashana, book studies, and meditation instruction are always free. Donations are gratefully accepted. To make an online donation with PayPal, please visit our Donate page.
Have you ever thought about becoming a member of the Phoenix Shambhala Center?
Regional and Other Programs
- Shambhala Art parts I-V, starting September 10 at Shambhala Online: Whether or not you consider yourself an artist, the Shambhala Art teachings celebrate the creative spark that springs from the meditative mind. Visit Shambhala Online for more information and to register.
- Sacred Path, starting October 1 at Shambhala Online: Explore the Shambhala Path further with this series on Chögyam Trungpa’s terma teachings. Prerequisites: Shambhala Training Levels I-V. Visit Shambhala Online to register.
- Sadhana of Mahamudra, a monthly online practice from Shambhala Los Angeles: Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche wrote the Sadhana of Mahamudra practice, which is chanted aloud in a group session on the new moon of each month. Visit the Shambhala Los Angeles website for exact dates and for instructions to request a Zoom link.
Newsletter Email Archive
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