Discusión del libro dominical [en línea]

19 de mayo

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    Habitación: ENFOCAR - Este es un evento en línea

    This study group meets Sundays at 11:15 por zoom. The current book selection is Viviendo bellamente, Pema Chodron's most recent publication. In it she shares practices for living with wisdom and integrity even in confusing and uncertain situations. From the dust jacket: "Is it possible to live well when the very ground we stand on is shaky? Sí, says everyone's favorite Buddhist nun, it's even possible to live beautifully, compassionately, and happily on shaky ground--and the secret is: the ground is always shaky. Pema shows how using a traditional Buddhist practice called the Three Vows or Three Commitments, offering us a way to relax into profound sanity in the midst of whatever non-sanity is happening around us. Just making these simple aspirations can change the way we look at the world and can provide us with a lifetime of material for spiritual practice."

    Es útil pero no necesario comprar el libro.. Es probable que tengamos una copia electrónica para compartir a través de Zoom.. Si usted desea adquirir su propia copia, it is available at retail vendors or online.

    Join us on-line via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89905116690

    ID de la reunión: 899 0511 6690